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After-sales customer service

The after-sales customer service is one strength point of EMA switchboards.

All phases are processed and monitored as described in the relative procedure of the quality manual from reception of the request to the verification of the customer satisfaction.

EMA switchboards can receive support requests by e-mail, fax or phone call; then an operator with few and direct questions will be able to understand the problems.

In a few time, with the collected informations, the customer will be contacted to give him the best solution.

All orders are properly and quickly stored, so that the support service can be provided, spare parts (if still available on the market) and documentation related to equipment supplied by us.

From any of this information: EMA order number, EMA order confirmation number, EMA quote number, customer order number, customer name, installation name (if indicated during in the order), we are able to track back all characteristics of each commission.


EMA Switchboard
by EMA Quadri srl
Via Matteo Ricci, 14A
Palombina Nuova
60126 Ancona (AN)
P.IVA 02377120429
REA 182718
Tel: (+39) 071 888857
Fax: (+39) 071 888818
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