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Kit GSM A72 remote disconnection - resolution 421/2014 / R / eel

kit A72 421/2014


The resolution 421/2014 / R / eel of AEEGISI (authority for electric energy gas and water supply) dictates the adaptation of power plants with full capacity greater than or equal to 100 kW connected to the MV network
This  adaptation needs to meet the requirements from technical rule  "Procedures for the reduction of distributed power supply in emergency conditions in the national electricity system" as indicated in the technical rules ‘Terna Annex A72’ and IEC 0-16.
A GSM modem must be present with technical features as indicated on technical rule ‘Annex M of IEC 0-16’.

In summary:

• with a specific SMS text (sent by the power distribution company) the digital exit becomes active and this exit has to be wired in the entry of remote disconnection of the interface protection to open the DDI and then disconnect the facility;
• with another SMS text it is possible to re-connect the facility;
• it must be also present a digital entry to which directly wire a DDI auxiliary contact device so that the GSM modem can send a SMS text to confirm the actual disconnection of the facility;
• note: the SIM card is provided by the distribution company;
• the SMS texts need a configuration as suggested by each power distribution company.

The wind power and static generator (FV inverter) with full capacity greater than or equal to 100 kW are still in adaptation phase.
The adaptation also affects all the plants before the entry into force of the technical rules IEC 0-16 ed.III – 1st January 2013.
The following deadlines indicated in the resolution AEEGSI:

June 30, 2015 date for adaptation with contribution of € 500,00 or greater (depending on the number of  interface protections in the system);
July 1 / August 31, 2015 date for adaptation with half contribution;
after August 31, 2015 no contribution;
January 31, 2016 final date for adaptation;



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